Advanced energy conversion/storage, renewable energy resources, sustainable energy production, energy system analysis/optimization
Additive manufacturing (3D printing), AI in manufacturing, automation, computer-aided design and manufacturing, computer-aided inspection, computer-integrated manufacturing, digital manufacturing, digital twin, flexible manufacturing systems, industry 4.0, machining, manufacturing metrology, product-development cycle, rapid prototyping, remanufacturing, smart manufacturing
Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical instrumentation, biomechanics, bio-inspired design
Computational mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, computational solid mechanics, computational dynamics, AI
Advanced design methods, design for manufacturing, systems design, product design, DFX, design in OBE, advanced computational analysis (FE/CFD/multiphysics/multiscale), engineering design/analysis codes/standards/software, design of multifunctional materials and structures,
Wind engineering, wind energy, wind environmental engineering, renewable engineering (wind, solar, etc.), bioprocess engineering, clean technology engineering
Turbulent and shear flows, unsteady flows, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, bio-inspired fluid dynamics, multiphase flow
CAD, machine dynamics, gears and power transmission, mechanisms synthesis, intelligent machines, kinematic modelling, dynamic modelling
Materials engineering, advanced materials technology, materials processing/characterization/testing, materials modelling
Mechatronics, Robotics & Controls
Actuation, sensing, robotics, kinematic modelling for control, dynamic modelling for control, planning, fabrication, interfacing, sensor fusion, autonomous systems, classical control, intelligent control and mechatronics, biomimetic control, multi-agent control, AI for control and robotics
Microtechnology & Nanotechnology
MEMS, NEMS, microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip, nanomaterials, nanofabrication, nanodevices, bioMEMS, organ-on-a-chip, micro- and nanoscale instrumentation, portable soft robotics
Systems integration, smart factory, supply chain management, operations research in smart manufacturing, logistics and materials handling, human factors and ergonomics, smart decision support systems, cyber-physical systems, virtual/augmented/mixed reality, IoT, AI-based systems, assembly/disassembly
Mechanics of architected materials, shape-changing metamaterials, 3D-printed smart materials, origami and kirigami materials, multifunctional composites, intelligent materials, machine learning-assisted structural design, materials by design, multiscale multiphysics simulation, engineered materials for vibration attenuation and noise control
Sustainable Practices in Engineering
Circular economy, sustainable design, sustainable production, product longevity, Industry 5.0, lifecycle sustainability assessment, techno-economic analysis, decarbonization, reverse logistics, sustainable engineering education, resource sustainability, sustainable infrastructure
Conduction, convection, radiation, heat exchanger, phase change (melting/solidification, boiling/condensation), thermal design, heat transfer fluids, inverse heat transfer
Road/rail vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, hybrid electric/electric vehicles, (semi-)autonomous vehicles, vehicle dynamics, vehicle design, active safety systems, interactions of driver-vehicle-road, clean combustion, emissions reduction, alternate fuels
Special Topic: Hydraulic Turbines
Vibrations and fatigue, wear and erosion, mechanical behaviour, design and topology optimization, multiphysics optimization and couplings, noise and acoustic stress reduction, manufacturing and repair processes
Computational Methods & Model Development
Data assimilation, DNS/LES, error/uncertainty quantification, high-order methods, hybrid RANS/LES methods, machine learning, mesh adaptation/generation, model reduction, optimization, turbulence modelling
Canonical Flows, Flow Physics & Turbulence
Canonical flows, flow physics, fundamental studies, turbulence
Compressible & Multiphysics Flows
Aerosols/sprays, astrophysical flows, combustion, compressible flows, conducting fluid and plasma flows, fluid-structure interactions, heat transfer, interfacial flows, multiphase flows, non-equilibrium flows, reactive flows, thermal science
Applications of CFD
Aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, automotive engineering, biological and biomedical flows, environmental flows, hydraulic flows, marine and ocean engineering, wind engineering
Special Topic: Hydraulic Turbines
Vibrations and fatigue, wear and erosion, mechanical behaviour, design and topology optimization, multiphysics optimization and couplings, noise and acoustic stress reduction, manufacturing and repair processes
Theoretical & Computational Rheology, Rheometry
Advanced rheometric techniques, computational rheology (incl. AI), microrheology, non-newtonian fluid mechanics, rheo-optics
Biofluids, biorheology, colloids, food rheology, industrial rheology, polymer processing, suspensions, slurries
* these three symposia are sponsored by the Canadian National Committee for Mechanics
Credit © Alexandre Choquette – Tourisme Montréal