Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Certificate available upon request

The formal CEU (Continuing Education Unit) credits and less formal PDH (Professional Development Hour) credits represent a way for professionals to demonstrate to their licensing bodies and employers that they are engaging in learning activities that help them maintain their professional competencies. This is increasingly important in Canada as most licensing bodies have adopted explicit continuing professional development requirements as a licensing condition. Note that 1.0 CEU is equivalent to 10.0 PDHs.

CEUs are typically certified by third party organizations and can be issued strictly in accordance to CE standards that include the administration of an exam/test that verifies a candidate’s retention of acquired knowledge. If no testing is administered, PDH credits may be issued by learning providers to vouch that someone has attended and engaged in learning/professional development activities. The CSME/CFD2024 organizing committee is pleased to announce that attendance/participation in the technical sessions of the conference will qualify for up to 15 PDH credits, for which a certificate will be issued upon request, following the conference.